You can find below the presentations and the recordings of the keynotes and the panels of the DACHLILU Green Finance Conference on 16th and 17th may 2023 in Luxembourg.
16.05.2023 : Zooming out
RecordiProgram | Speakers and workshop leaders | Contents |
Keynote: Climate crisis - Quo Vadis? |
Andrew Ferrone, Luxembourgish member for the IPCC, Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture |
Keynote: Nature related risks - Status Quo? | Emmanuelle Assouan, Director General for Operations and Financial Stability, Banque de France, Co-Chair NGFS Task force Nature-Related Risks (virtual) |
Keynote: Makrotrends in Green Finance | Jacob Thomä, Managing Director, 2° Investing Initiative, Senior Fellow at the SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance | Recording |
Panel: Green Finance Framework and Practice – are we delivering on the environmental goals? | In just a few years, Green Finance has evolved from a niche to an omnipresent topic. Regulators, researchers, the financial sector, associations, non-governmental organizations and an increasing number of new players are engaged in a sometimes confusing and extremely dynamic discourse. It is time to take stock. The key question must be: Does green finance work? Or - to what extent the ambitions are met that aim at rendering the financial sector a catalyst for a successful transformation? André Weidenhaupt, General Director, Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development |
Recording |
Panel: Climate-related finance as a yardstick for the level of implementation of the Green Finance Agenda | Green Finance started with climate, with the Paris Agreement and the recognition that financial flows need to be aligned in a climate-compatible way. Climate expressed in terms of greenhouse gas equivalents and finance expressed in terms of money, risk and probability values, were compatible quite quickly, despite initial uncertainties. Using the example of this Nicoletta Centofanti, General Manager, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative |
Recording |
Keynote: Green Finance scaled up | Elina Kamenitzer, Department Director, Operations Support & Climate, EIB | |
Keynote: Green Financing Interrupted? | Christian Schulz, Professor and Head of Department of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Luxembourg | |
Panel: Opportunities and risks of financing sustainable business models |
Where do we stand with the goal of promoting sustainable business models or activities via advantageous financing conditions? What are the opportunities, risks and flaws in this context? Which activities or business models work within the logic of taxonomy and traditional bank financing? What other forms of financing are needed beyond that - in Europe and the world? Michael Halling, Professor and Chair for Sustainable Finance, University of Luxembourg |
Recording |
17.05.2023 : Zooming in from different perspectives
No recordings on day 2.
Program | Speakers and workshop leaders | Contents |
Keynote: Disclosure and what’s next – “blended” initiatives and a precautionary approach to financialization of biodiversity |
Christoph Frischer, Expert Green Finance, Environment Agency Austria |
Keynote: Channeling financial flows towards biodiversity: the ENCORE Biodiversity Module | Juliet Blum, Sustainable Finance Expert, Federal Office for the Environment Switzerland |
Keynote: Climate related benchmarks and indices – from PABs and CTB | Dennis Zagermann, Sustainable Finance Expert, Environnement Agency Germany | Presentation |
Workshop 1 – green and/or? Alternative Finance in Luxembourg | Within this workshop we want to explore the diversity of financing practices that local and community-based actors draw from, illustrated with examples from Luxembourg. Aiming at social and environmental impacts within their respective community and thereby deliberately exploring financing and/or funding from outside conventional credit relations, these actors face certain challenges and opportunities, when operating and aligning their financing practices with their objectives that diverge from conventional profit maximization logics. Elena Emrick-Schmitz, Researcher, AltFin project, University of Luxembourg |
Workshop content |
Workshop 2 – avoiding greenwashing with adequate sustainability measurement | Sustainable finance products are not yet fully regulated, making it hard to distinguish genuine sustainability from greenwashing. How can we use the pillars of life cycle sustainability assessment to tell which sustainability claims are trustworthy? We will take a look at green bonds, additionality, and the importance of the reference product. Afterwards, we will look at how to avoid greenwashing from investment funds, talking about the importance of considering indirect – supply chain – impacts, trade-offs between environmental impacts and unpacking positive impact creation. Ioana Popescu, Researcher, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) |
Workshop content |
Workshop 3 – The market for green funds | The investment fund industry is at the forefront of the growth in sustainable finance, with increased demand for green financial products and profound changes in the design and regulation of mutual funds. In this workshop, Francois Koulischer will present preliminary results from two research projects. The first project evaluates how the global investment fund industry responded to the rise in demand for ‘green’ assets. Using data on holdings of all equity funds in Europe and North America, the authors quantify the size of green investment funds considering two measures of greenness - carbon intensity and deviation of intensity from sector median. The second project focuses on the role of environmental preferences and assesses how investors from different countries reacted to the introduction of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Using data on the holders of investment fund shares, the research shows that countries with stronger environmental preferences rebalanced more towards sustainable (article 8 and 9) funds after the introduction of the SFDR. Francois Koulischer, Assistant Professor, University of Luxembourg |
Workshop content |